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Ошибки при использовании ExtFile в Zope 2.13.13

При попытке использовать продукт ExtFile/ExtImage 2.0.2 в свежей сборке Zope 2 (2.13), лезут ошибки. Связано это, с одной стороны, с прекращением поддержки ExtFile в 2008 году, а с другой стороны, с деятельностью авторов Zope2, которые занимаются неслабым рефакторингом кода. Я продукт подлечил и заставил ExtFile работать как положено. Прилагаю таблетку.

ImportError: No module named ZRDB.TM
устранилась добавлением к Zope пакета Products.ZSQLMethods
через билдаут
eggs =
Борьба с билдаутом расписана тут.

ImportError: No module named WriteLockInterface
  File "c:\d\Zope\custom\zope\inst\Products\ExtFile\ExtImage.py", line 61, in <module>
    from webdav.WriteLockInterface import WriteLockInterface
zope.configuration.xmlconfig.ZopeXMLConfigurationError: File "c:\d\Zope\custom\zope\inst\etc\site.zcml", line 16.2-16.23
    ZopeXMLConfigurationError: File "c:\d\Zope\custom\zope\inst\Products\ExtFile\configure.zcml", line 23.2-27.6
    ImportError: No module named WriteLockInterface
устраняется (http://community.webfaction.com/questions/1401/extfileextimage-problems-in-zope) заменой пары строк в двух файлах
       from webdav.WriteLockInterface import WriteLockInterface
       from webdav.interfaces import IWriteLock as WriteLockInterface

ImportError: Couldn't import zope.app.container.interfaces, No module named container.interfaces
 File "c:\d\zope\custom\zope\inst\eggs\zope.configuration-3.7.4-py2.7.egg\zope\configuration\fields.py", line 229, in fromUnicode
    raise InvalidToken("%s in %s" % (v, u))
zope.configuration.xmlconfig.ZopeXMLConfigurationError: File "c:\d\Zope\custom\zope\inst\etc\site.zcml", line 16.2-16.23
    ZopeXMLConfigurationError: File "c:\d\Zope\custom\zope\inst\Products\ExtFile\configure.zcml", line 5.2-9.6
    ConfigurationError: ('Invalid value for', 'for', "ImportError: Couldn't import zope.app.container.interfaces, No module named container.interfaces in .interfaces.IExtFile          zope.app.container.interfaces.IObjectMovedEvent")
  Module zope.interface.adapter, line 585, in subscribers
  Module Products.ExtFile.ExtFile, line 1065, in afterAdd
ImportError: No module named container.interfaces
устраняется (http://bluebream.zope.org/doc/1.0/new/whatsnew-1.0.html) заменой шести строк в трех файлах
zope.app.container.interfaces zope.container.interfaces
и в C:\d\Zope\custom\zope\inst\Products\ExtFile\Ext(File|Image).py
from zope.app.container.interfaces... from zope.container.interfaces...

Если сложить все вместе, то выходит такой diff:
--- configure.zcml Mon Oct 29 20:03:45 2007
+++ configure.zcml Mon Oct 29 20:03:45 2007
@@ -3,11 +3,11 @@
-         zope.app.container.interfaces.IObjectMovedEvent"
+         zope.container.interfaces.IObjectMovedEvent"
@@ -21,11 +21,11 @@
-         zope.app.container.interfaces.IObjectMovedEvent"
+         zope.container.interfaces.IObjectMovedEvent"
--- ExtFile.py Mon Oct 29 20:10:23 2007
+++ ExtFile.py Mon Oct 29 20:10:23 2007
@@ -65,11 +65,11 @@
 from Products.ExtFile import TM
 from zExceptions import Redirect
 from ZPublisher.Iterators import IStreamIterator
 from DocumentTemplate.html_quote import html_quote
-from webdav.WriteLockInterface import WriteLockInterface
+from webdav.interfaces import IWriteLock as WriteLockInterface
 from zope import interface
 from interfaces import IExtFile
 from zope import event
 from interfaces import ExtFileUpdatedEvent
@@ -1059,12 +1059,12 @@
         external files doesn't exist yet, otherwise it was renamed to .undo
         by beforeDelete before and must be restored by _undo().
         Subscriber for (IExtFile, IObjectMovedEvent)
-    from zope.app.container.interfaces import IObjectAddedEvent
-    from zope.app.container.interfaces import IObjectRemovedEvent
+    from zope.container.interfaces import IObjectAddedEvent
+    from zope.container.interfaces import IObjectRemovedEvent
     # If this is a Removed event we are done
     if IObjectRemovedEvent.providedBy(event):
--- ExtImage.py Mon Oct 29 20:10:28 2007
+++ ExtImage.py Mon Oct 29 20:10:28 2007
@@ -56,11 +56,11 @@
 from OFS.Image import getImageInfo
 from OFS.Image import Pdata
 from Acquisition import aq_base
 from DocumentTemplate.html_quote import html_quote
-from webdav.WriteLockInterface import WriteLockInterface
+from webdav.interfaces import IWriteLock as WriteLockInterface
 from zope import interface
 from interfaces import IExtImage
 from zope import event
 from interfaces import ExtImageUpdatedEvent
@@ -673,12 +673,12 @@
         external files doesn't exist yet, otherwise it was renamed to .undo
         by beforeDelete before and must be restored by _undo().
         Subscriber for (IExtImage, IObjectMovedEvent)
-    from zope.app.container.interfaces import IObjectAddedEvent
-    from zope.app.container.interfaces import IObjectRemovedEvent
+    from zope.container.interfaces import IObjectAddedEvent
+    from zope.container.interfaces import IObjectRemovedEvent
     # If this is a Removed event we are done
     if IObjectRemovedEvent.providedBy(event):

Все вышенаписанное справедливо для Zope Version (2.13.13, python 2.7.2, win32); ExtFile/ExtImage 2.0.2.

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