Записки программиста, обо всем и ни о чем. Но, наверное, больше профессионального.



Какая интересная штука — обещают сделать live-CD/DVD из снимка с рабочей машины. Для ленивых самое оно — одной командой (если не считать установки самого ремастерсис). Типа, поставил дебианчик или убунту, настроил и, опля, сделал тираж. Пригодится при переезде станции на новую железку или при переносе сервера.

Remastersys can help you deploy multiple machines or even take a sandbox server and copy it onto production hardware.
With Remastersys, you can:
  • Make a full system backup (including personal data) to a live CD or DVD that you can use anywhere and install.
  • Make a distributable copy (without personal data) that you can use as an installation/live disk.
Once you master the ISO, you can install it on any machine that meets the original system requirements for the distribution (which varies by distribution and release).
The true beauty of Remastersys is it allows you to take a pre-existing Debian-based machine, get it set up the way you need it, and create a live distribution based on that setup.
You can take a look at the /etc/remastersys.conf file and make changes to suit your distribution needs (such as naming the live CD, changing the live user name, etc.). It’s “go” time. Issue the commands:
sudo su
remastersys dist
The commands will take quite some time to run, so go get some coffee and eat a scone. Once it’s done, you’ll have an .iso file that can then be burned to a CD or DVD (depending upon the size). If you want to make a full backup distribution of your system, you can run
remastersys backup
and the resulting ISO will include user data. As long as you remember the 4 GB limit, you’ll be okay.


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