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Обьединить харды

Обнаружил полезняшку, но не тестировал, не пробовал. По описанию - очень "вкусно".
Несколько дисковых томов обьединяются в один виртуальный, допустим два винта по 100 гигов, на выходе - один винт на 200.

Основной плюс - винты можно по отдельности подключать и файлы будут доступны! В отличие от райдов всяких.

Suppose, you have three hard drives - sized 80, 40 and 60 GB. And 150 GB of music files, which you need to store on these drives. How would you do it?

The two solutions I knew of, were:

* either to simply have three separate «Music» folders - one per each drive;
* or create some sort of RAID, joining all the drives into an array.

However, the first method is quite tiresome, as one needs to decide how to split the data between the drives and keep track of what is stored where. For example, I might decide to store all «Classical» music on the first disk, and «Rock» music on the second. Then, suddenly, the first drive fills up and the second one still has plenty of space. Now I need to move the files between the disks, or jump around with symlinks.

The RAID method, while solving this problem, always incurs significant loss of either storage reliability or usable disk space.

But recently, I found a better solution to this problem and similar ones: mhddfs. It is a FUSE filesystem module which allows to combine several smaller filesystems into one big «virtual» one, which will contain all the files from all its members, and all their free space. Even better, unlike other similar modules (unionfs?), this one does not limit the ability to add new files on the combined filesystem and intelligently manages, where those files will be placed.

The package is called «mhddfs» and is currently present in Debian Testing and Unstable. It does not seem to be available in Ubuntu at the moment.


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